How to apply for the CLIL-Certificate?

So, you have decided to apply for the CLIL-Certificate course? Wonderful!

Please notice that there a prerequisites for a successful application:    


Students for Primary Education:

1. One of your subjects is English, and the second subject can be both content or German!

2. You have successfully completed your first didactic seminar in English which is included in your BA courses (M5)!

3. Completing the first two internships is a prerequisite (OP); the completion of the third (VP) is desirable but not mandatory!

Teachers in Primary Schools:

1. One of your subjects is English, and the second subject can both be a content subject and also German!


Students for Secondary Education:

1. You need to have successfully completed your first didactic seminar in English, usually Module 5! 

2. Completing the first two internships is a prerequisite (OP); the completion of the third (VP) is desirable but not mandatory.

While 1 & 2 apply only to students at Koblenz University, the next aspect also applies to teachers and teachers on probation:

3. Your second subject has to be a content subject, i.e., students or teachers of German as a subject sadly cannot apply!


You can tick all of the above? Great!

And all of this is free of charge! No need to re-enroll at Koblenz University, no additional fees!

Please prepare and email

  • a short letter of motivation (pdf)
  • a Curriculum Vitae outlining your education 
  • and the KLIPS record including the modules completed and grades achieved (students only).

Please send those by March 15th, 2023 to!

You will receive an answer by April 8th, 2023!

Sarah Wunderlich

Sarah Wunderlich